S’Albufera des Grau Natural Park




S'Albufera Park Es Grau

S’Albufera des Grau Natural Park


S’Albufera des Grau Natural Park

If you would like to explore and discover the natural beauty of this national park you can arrange with the Red Cross Volunteers to be taken on an excursion in a Jöelette chair.To set a date for a visit, please contact the Red Cross volunteers, at least three weeks beforehand. (Red Cross helpline telephone number 971295000, 24hrs). The visit can be set as long as there are volunteers available. The loan of the chair is totally free. The Project is fully financed by “La Obra Social de La Caixa”. 


Please contact the Natural Park Estate information point for suggestions on the routes. Contact phone number for the park: 90034 71 18 10 22.


Joelette Chair

Joelette Chair

Bird Watching

Bird Watching